9 Great Finger Foods For Babies

Feb 26 2016 - 2:36pm

Once your brave little one is ready to take the leap from purees to finger foods, it's time to switch up your grocery store and kitchen prep routines. Follow this smart advice for easing the transition [1], and click through to see some of the best fresh, frozen, and on-the-go solid starter foods for your hungry little one!

Source: Flickr user Sandra [2]

Fresh: Tofu

The texture of tofu is often appealing to babies. Just drain a package, cube it up, and serve.

Source: Flickr user sharyn morrow [3]

Frozen: Dr. Praeger's Veggie Littles

Dr. Praeger's range of kid-friendly "Littles" [4] come in broccoli, potato, spinach, sweet potato, and mixed veggie varieties. The tasty frozen nuggets come in fun shapes and just need to be heated up in the toaster oven and served.

Parents with allergy concerns can check out all of the products' ingredients on the Dr. Praeger's website before making a purchase.

Cooked: Minimeatballs

Minimeatballs [5] are an easy way to increase your baby's protein intake. Make them with chicken, turkey, or ground beef, and keep an extra batch in the freezer.

Source: Flickr user jill siegrist [6]

Fresh: Blueberries

Packed with antioxidants, blueberries are a favorite food of new eaters — just beware of the blue stains that often accompany them!

Source: Flickr user Sandra [7]

Ready-to-Go: Happy Puffs

Little ones will love the tactile sensation of Happy Family's Happy Puffs [8], and moms will love that they're flavored with 100 percent fruit and veggie juice. Try them in greens, purple carrot and blueberry, and sweet potato varieties.

Ready-to-Go: Good Old-Fashioned Cheerios

A longtime staple of moms' on-the-go snack arsenals, Cheerios are A-OK for tots to munch on. They're made with whole grain and contain 14 vitamins and minerals.

Source: Flickr user becky [9]

Steamed: Peas

Fresh or frozen, steamed peas are an easy-to-chew early veg — no knife required!

Source: Flickr user Robyn Lee [10]

Ready-to-Go: NurturMe Yum-a-Roo's

NurturMe's brand-new Yum-a-Roo's [11] are a prepared snack that you can feel good feeding your little one. Each pouch contains 1.5 servings of organic fruits and veggies — without any added sugar.

Cooked: Broccoli

Vitamin-packed broccoli just needs to be steamed for a couple of minutes to get it to the right texture for your tot.

Source: Flickr user whologwhy [12]

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