This 12-Year-Old Boy Just Broke the Number 1 Museum Rule

Everyone knows the golden rule in museums: look but don't touch. In the case of one 12-year-old boy in Taiwan, however, he accidentally broke this rule when he tripped and punched a hole in a $1.5 million painting. In the short clip above, the boy in the blue shirt was not paying attention to the security ropes near him and appeared to trip on the edge of a display.

As anyone would do when they lose their footing, the boy stuck out his hand to steady his fall, right into the 350-year-old oil painting. The work of art, titled "Flowers," is approximately 78.7 inches tall and is on loan to the museum, which is featuring Italian Renaissance artists.

Luckily for the boy, the exhibition curator Andrea Rossi [1] said the boy's family does not have to pay for the restoration of the painting. Instead, the organizers will get the insurance company to cover the cost of repairing the damage before it returns to Italy.

We have a feeling the boy will avoid getting up close and personal with other paintings in the future.

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