The Internet Just Mom-Shamed This Rhino For Breastfeeding — and It's GLORIOUS

Sep 17 2018 - 9:25am

We'll be the first to say that mom-shaming is never OK, but we'll also be the first to say "never say never." In a rare exception to the rule, the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens shared a photo of one of its rhinoceroses nursing her calf, and internet commenters went wild with feigned disgust.

That's right — poor mama rhino Seyia was just trying to feed young Kendi when The Milk Meg's Facebook page got ahold of a photo and posted it online with the caption, "Kendi will still nurse every now and then when Seyia will allow it." (Sure, sure — Kendi might look a tad old to still be breastfeeding . . . in public, no less!)

In a sign that the internet isn't such a horrible place after all, moms everywhere flooded the post's comment section with all the mock antibreastfeeding propaganda you can imagine.

Yes, of course mom-shaming is never OK (stay strong, Seyia!), but this is still hands down the funniest thing you'll read all week.

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