This Video Will Stop You From Ever Leaving Kids in a Hot Car

We've all been there: making the split-second decision whether to unbuckle a complex car seat just to run into the store. It takes only a few minutes, so the added time of unstrapping your child's buckle and taking him inside with you isn't really worth it (especially if they're asleep), right? Wrong.

Deputy Reagan of the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office [1] in Georgia proves that in just a few minutes, a hot car becomes a very dangerous place. With his fellow officers standing outside and cell phone cameras running, he volunteered to sit in his hot patrol car; in just a few minutes his heart rate more than doubled, he started sweating profusely, and he began to feel sick. The temperature in the car, which started at 96 degrees, climbed over 101 degrees in just a few moments, and the cameras began overheating and cutting off shortly after.

Officer Reagan begs, "Please, please, if you see someone in a hot car, whether it's 80 degrees, whether it's 95 degrees, call 911. Don't leave your pets inside a car even with the windows cracked; don't leave your children in the car even if you think it's only for a few minutes."

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