Every Busy Mom Needs to Print Out This Life-Saving Elf on the Shelf Cheat Sheet

Dec 12 2018 - 12:20pm

Don’t stress about your elf on the shelf antics this year! We have some funny and cute ideas for you 🌲 ☃️ 🎅 🤶

Posted by Bounty Club [1] on Monday, November 27, 2017 [2]

Let's face it: keeping up with Elf on the Shelf is exhausting. On top of all the mayhem going on during the holidays, parents who choose to participate in the elf-inspired behavioral tactic [3] are supposed to remember to move the elf every single day?! That's not exactly at the top of our priority lists, and thankfully, there's now a cheat sheet to make this task way easier. Parenting club Bounty [4] shared an ingenious Elf on the Shelf cheat sheet [5] in 2017 that does the thinking for you and tells you where to put that freakin' stress-inducing little creature each night (and regardless of 2017 being well and truly over, the calendar still works like a charm if you ignore either the dates or days of the week to make it work for the current yet). On the 21st day we make Elf hide in the Christmas tree? OK, sounds perfect.

Once you've committed to Elf on the Shelf at the beginning of December, there's no turning back — you've got to get really creative with your elf-hiding skills [6]. If you just can't even deal with the thought of your schedule being interrupted by something as silly as an elf, print out this helpful Elf on the Shelf cheat sheet [7] and say goodbye to stressing this year!

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