This Is What a "Gentle" C-Section Looks Like — and It's Beyond Incredible

Apr 1 2017 - 7:35pm

A post shared by Angela Gallo (@angelawombwarrior) [1] on

When a woman opts for a "family-centered" or "gentle" C-section [2], adjustments to the procedure are made to allow mom to feel more involved in the birth.

Typically, women are able to view the birth through a clear drape instead of a fabric curtain. Newborns may also be delivered slowly [3] to allow for their chests to be squeezed [4], removing fluid from the lungs, like during a vaginal birth. A Venezuelan doctor captured moments from this type of delivery, and the clip is nothing short of amazing [5].

In the video posted to Instagram, Jham Frank Lugo gently pulls the baby out, starting with his legs, as his mom watches. "We can see the video of a respectful and careful birth, with obstetrical maneuvers and surveillance that guarantees the safety of the baby and the mother," he captioned the video in Spanish.

The doctor also explained that the C-section was performed because the baby was breech and that after the birth he was placed with his mom for skin-to-skin contact.

"It made me weep to see the original caption (music playing, strong ties between doula and the family, so much support, mother quietly singing to her baby) and feel the connection between all involved," Angela Gallo, a doula and photographer in Australia wrote on instagram [7] after seeing the video. "I wish this was available for everyone — please mamas, changes like this are entirely consumer-driven. Know better, ask for better, set a better standard for birthing people worldwide. Birth does not need to be clinical, rushed and full of rough handling . . . let's make Cesarean birth a special place because all birth deserves to be and feel beautiful for baby, mama, and family too."

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