Everything You Need to Know About Minecraft

Dec 29 2015 - 4:23am

Get the scoop on the biggest craze to hit the gaming world in a long time! Common Sense Media [1] delves into the world of Minecraft.

If your kid has been swept up in the Minecraft craze, you've probably come to realize that resistance is futile. It isn't only the game itself that kids obsess over. There are Minecraft YouTube videos, a whole Minecraft language, Minecraft-like games, and more.

Get the know-how you need to engage with your kid on one of the coolest games out there.

Minecraft Games Age Guide

One of the best-selling, independently developed and published video games, Minecraft immerses kids in creative thinking, geometry, and even a little geology as they build imaginative block structures. Here's the scoop on the games that make up Minecraft's offerings:

Minecraft Basics

Minecraft comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities for parents. Learn the lingo, discover the most important aspects of the game, and get tips on managing your kid's playtime.

Minecraft on YouTube

Since Minecraft is a game that spans many ages — and has infinite possibilities — not all YouTube videos will be appropriate for your kid. Here are some of our faves for young players.

Games Like Minecraft

Because of its complexity, mild violence, and online community, we recommend Minecraft for kids age 8 and up. So what if your younger kids want to play but aren't quite ready? These games can occupy them with a very similar style, without some of the tougher stuff.

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