13 Tried-and-True Ways to Get a Baby to Stop Crying

Oct 5 2017 - 12:20pm

Nobody likes a crying baby [1]. While some parents are able to figure out how to soothe their little ones over and over again, some parents are "lucky" enough to have an adventurous baby who doesn't like to try the same thing twice. If you fall into the latter category and are constantly looking for ways to get your baby to stop crying — but can't think of anything to try with all that racket in your ear — we're here to help.

Scroll through for 13 tried-and-true methods for getting your baby to stop crying.

Ride the washing machine.

For a lot of babies, feeling constant vibration is calming enough to put an end to the wailing. If you don't have a vibrating baby swing, start up a load of laundry and put baby on top of the machine in a carrier (with supervision) to watch the magic happen. Laundry and a quiet (hopefully sleeping) baby = two birds!

"Shhhhh" in Their Ear

Just like the sound of breaking waves can calm an adult, a loud "shhhhh" in a baby's ear can have the same effect. Repeat it over and over and you may just end up with a sleeping baby!

Rock Them

We're not just talking about the slow and gentle rocking, but more of a swinging rock instead. Hold baby close and tight and swing back and forth at your hips with your feet planted. The fast movement combined with the repetition should have your baby soothed in no time.

Drive the Car

Kids of most ages conk right out when they're in the car, and though it's a hassle to get baby in and out of the back seat, it's usually worth the payoff.

Run the Tap

Prince William recently revealed [2] that his favorite method to soothe a crying Prince George when he was a baby was to turn on the faucet. The sound of the running water — and, if they're old enough, the visual of it — can have a very calming effect on a distressed kiddo.

Vacuum the Floors

Just like with the washing machine, this method allows you to soothe your baby and clean the house at the same time. It may seem futile to fight noise with noise, but for some babies, it's just what they need.

Bring In Binkie Backup

For some babies, all they need is their binky. If you've tried literally everything in the books to get them to stop crying and haven't experimented with pacifiers much, try introducing one — it could be your saving grace.

Run a Warm Bath

You probably enjoy a warm and calming bubble bath, so why shouldn't your little one? Plop your crying kiddo into a warm tub to help him calm down and maybe, just maybe, get him sleepy enough for a quiet nap.

Stroll Around

Much like being in a moving car, the motion of a stroller can stop the tears and can even induce nap time. Plus, you get a little bit of fresh air and a bit of exercise — win, win!

Swaddle Them

Even if your baby isn't a newborn, being wrapped up like a mini burrito could be just what she needs to relax.

Swing, Swing

If you've got a baby swing, chances are it's your baby's happy place. The hands-free solution can help stop crying fits as a result of the motions of the swing, plus most of them come with built-in, soothing lullabies.

Ceiling Fan

The whirring sound — and, if they can see it, the mesmerizing circular motion — of a ceiling fan is the perfect distraction from crying.

Fill a Need

The most common reasons a baby is crying are because she's either hungry, gassy, sleepy, or has a too-wet diaper, so always attempt to address and rule out those needs first. Most of the other methods won't work to help your little one stop crying if what's really grinding her gears is the fact that she's starving or has been sitting in a wet diaper all day.

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