With a 5 Month Old, Getting Ready Sometimes Takes 3

Mar 29 2018 - 9:55am
Carly lives with her partner and 5 month old in Oakland, CA. As the director of consumer marketing here at POPSUGAR, Carly commutes via BART to work. This is how she juggles her morning routine, which involves hitting the snooze button at least once — if not more.

My Morning Juggle

My baby is usually a great night sleeper, but typically starts to rustle around between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. Sometimes she falls back asleep on her own, but this morning is not one of them. I get up and give her a pacifier so I can get a bit more shut eye before I officially start “hitting the snooze button” around 6 a.m.
My partner's alarm goes off at 6 a.m. and he preps our daughter's bottle while making his morning coffee and breakfast. I press snooze and our daughter plays in her crib.
I give the snooze button a break and turn the alarm off — the light of my phone helps me acclimate to the concept of waking up as I do an email scan, check the news, and give Instagram a quick scroll.
I get out of bed and get the baby from her crib. Her father and I sometimes “fight” about who gets to wake her — when she sees us for the first time each morning, her smiles are literally the best part of the day. Today is my turn! And I am grateful that she’d been playing since 6 a.m.
Yep. She has a big poopy diaper, which is not unusual. I change her while her dad finishes up his breakfast and his own news scan.
Now happily in a fresh diaper, I hand the baby to her father so he can give her a bottle. I will eat later at work after having a cup of coffee, which I pick up right before walking into work, because I love my ritual of drinking it at my desk while I start my day. My man has thankfully boiled hot water for me, so I make my hot lemon water and take with me as I head for a shower.
I jump into the shower to rinse. Today is not a hair-wash day, so I'm not feeling much of a time crunch.
Out of the shower, I moisturize my face and body. I have recently been trying to give myself an extra few minutes of self-care in the morning by using a jade face roller. It just feels so refreshing.
Baby and papa read a book in bed while I get dressed.
I never know what I'm wearing until the spur of the moment, but I find a clean pair of jeans (yay) and a sweater and throw them on. My partner will shower at the gym at his office — so this morning is a little bit more chill around coordinating our efforts.
I finish drinking my hot lemon water while I do my makeup: tinted moisturizer, brow gel, eyeshadow, a coat of mascara, cream blush, and tinted lip balm. Since I’m stretching my last shampoo, I dab dry shampoo on my hair and brush it through. I realize tomorrow I will have to wake up on time, 6 a.m., so I can wash my hair. Ugh.
The baby sits in her bouncy chair while her grandmother has her tea and toast. Next week, we will transition to nanny share at our house, and I feel fortunate to have my mother-in-law taking care of our baby until then. My partner and I dash around getting things ready and finding our bags. We both hit the bathroom sink to brush our teeth.
It’s rare that I prep a lunch for myself, but I silently pat myself on the back for making my overnight soaked oats yesterday for breakfast today, which I will eat at my desk. I quickly grab that from the fridge, along with blueberries, and throw both in my bag.
Final breeze through the house, looking for easy flats to throw on. Locate my jacket, and decide I also need a scarf. Kiss my girl and head for the car. My partner is dropping me off at the BART station.
Get to the BART station and the first train arrives as I am headed down to platform. It's headed to San Francisco. My lucky day. Once in the car, I slip in ear buds to listen to The Daily podcast from the New York Times.
No train delays. Phew. Walk to my favorite coffee spot for my morning cup. I look forward to this daily ritual.
At my desk with coffee in hand. Congratulate myself that I made it into the office before 8:00. I am ready to take on the day.

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