These 10 Kids Cannot Deal With the Sight of Vegetables

Getting your kids to eat vegetables can be an uphill battle — one that you are destined to lose every time. These 10 stock-photo kids just literally cannot deal with the idea of vegetables, let alone a plate full of them sitting right in front of them. Lettuce leaves are for pet rabbits, anyway.


Though his chopstick skills are fierce, he immediately regrets the decision to grab those greens.


Apparently the only way to fight the power of the string bean is with some sassy side-eye.


Plain raw carrots: cue palm to face.


Once a vegetable gets that close to your mouth, pull out all the stops on the cute pout face.


She sits and ponders the meaning of life, wondering, "Why is the mac and cheese always gone?"


What kind of world do we live in where a stalk of celery may be served without an entire jar of peanut butter?


Sometimes the only reaction vegetables warrant is genuine confusion.


Seriously, total uncertainty.


The title of his future autobiography: Vegetables Are Why I Have Trust Issues.