Kristen Bell Actually Crashes a Woman Giving Birth and Now We Want Her in Our Delivery Room

Before I gave birth, envisioning the people who would be in the delivery room with me was an incredibly intimate decision. I only wanted my husband and my mom by my side, and the idea of anyone else witnessing me give birth felt insane. Now, after having pushed two babies out of my vagina, I'm way less picky about the details. So, when Kristen Bell [1] revealed that she actually witnessed a complete stranger give birth for her popular YouTube series [2], Momsplaining, I wasn't shocked that a new mom would let a camera crew document her delivery . . . I was jealous.

While on Ellen DeGeneres [3]'s daytime talk show, Kristen promoted the second season of Momsplaining, in which she greets new moms just hours after they delivered with ice packs – you know, for their "hoo-hah, honey pot, baby cave, man eater, baby cannon, hand warmer, lady junk . . ." – and gave us all a glimpse into what it'd be like if a random celebrity held a leg while you clenched your teeth during a contraction.

We can't wait to watch the new episodes, and if there's a chance K-Bell will deliver my baby while complimenting my hair and wearing a backwards baseball cap, I might consider having another!

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