1 Mom's "Lazy" Halloween Decorations Are the Most Relatable Thing You'll See All Day

Oct 24 2017 - 12:16pm

There are two types of people when it comes to Halloween decor [1]: the crafty and the . . . not so crafty. And if you fall into the latter category, prepare to laugh out loud at one man's side-by-side comparison of a neighbor's Halloween decorations and his mom's decorations. On the left, you'll see a pretty decked-out yard with the works: skeletons, tombstones, ghosts hanging from the trees, and a creepy blowup haunted house leading to the front door. Nice job, people! On the right, you'll see how Twitter user Harry's mom decorated her yard: with a chalkboard sign that says "ditto" and a hand-drawn arrow pointing to her neighbor's house.

My neighbor's Halloween decorations vs my mum's pic.twitter.com/hq4aif3BTV [2]

— Harry (@HarryCFC_) October 20, 2017 [3]

Let's all just take a moment to thank this mom — a true hero — for her efforts. Why didn't we ever think of that when we were feeling lazy?

As if that weren't hilarious enough, Harry also shared a nighttime version of the comparison, which really highlights the difference between the two houses. Bonus points to the mom for putting lights on her "ditto" sign to make it stand out in the dark! Plus, don't overlook the A+ carved pumpkin [5] hanging out by the entrance. This mom's level of craftiness is 100 percent respectable in our opinion.

pic.twitter.com/SAuBanxl6J [6]

— Harry (@HarryCFC_) October 24, 2017 [7]

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