Is It Possible to Declutter When You Have Kids? Why Minimalism Expert Marie Kondo Says Yes

Jun 13 2017 - 7:52am

It's no secret that Japanese cleaning guru Marie Kondo [1] knows how to keep an organized house. And while her minimalistic KonMari [2] rules may feel like they only apply prebaby, this mom also knows what it takes to live a decluttered lifestyle — even when kids are in the picture. If you feel like it's impossible to pare down all of the clutter (ahem, art projects, toys, school awards, books!) that comes with the parenting territory, you're not alone. We asked Kondo for realistic tips on how to declutter with kids, and some of her advice may surprise you!

Where should we even start?

"The KonMari Method is to tidy all at once and in the right order. Always start with clothes, then books, followed by documents, miscellaneous (e.g. kitchen), and then finally sentimental items. If you tidy room by room instead, you'll spend the rest of your life tidying."

"If you decide an item is not quite right for you to keep, you can sell it with eBay Valet [3], donate the item to charity, or pass it along to someone who might benefit from the item. For the stuff you get rid of, make sure to have your kids thank it for the pleasure it's brought to their life (I know it sounds strange, but try it!). And remind them that if an item no longer brings you joy, it might bring someone else joy."

When it comes to organizing kids' rooms and playrooms, who should be responsible — the children or the parents?

"Tidying is something that the whole family can do together, but it is absolutely essential that each person be responsible for making the decisions about his or her own things. Parents can encourage children to begin the process, but they need to complete their tidying before working with their kids."

"Don't decide what to get rid of, only decide what to keep. You and your family should only save items that spark joy. Children as young as 3 years old can decide what gives them joy and the key principle is that each person should be making the decisions for themselves. If a parent or a spouse ever tries to 'force' another family member to tidy, not only will it not work, it could even have a negative effect."

What should parents keep and what should they throw out when it comes to school work and art projects?

"This category of items is definitely in the 'sentimental' category, and should be tidied at the very end of the tidying process. Your children should keep anything that continues to spark joy in them, no matter what it is and no matter what anybody else would think."

"The greatest joy with any school projects is the feeling we get when they are first brought home, and the child and parents can celebrate together the pride the child has in the project. If you decide to store the work, you should keep them in a binder or rolled up in a paper tube if they are too big. Or the best idea: if they truly spark joy in you or your child, display them for everybody to see!"

Is it possible to be too organized for kids?

"A 'junk drawer' is not a positive step towards encouraging creativity. It's what the child will do with the art materials, and even with the 'scraps,' that will be the creative result."

"The more accessible and well-organized the materials are, the more the child will be encouraged to play and to create. Kids love to select the materials, and the easier they can find what they want, the sooner they begin the project and the more encouraging it will be for them to get started."

What tips do you have for getting ready in the morning?

"It is not just for the morning, but a primary rule for my method is that you need to understand what is where in your home, and you should be able to reach what you want without pause. Don't waste your time searching for something, especially on a busy morning."

"To make this happen, you need to categorize your belongings and keep each item in a fixed position in your house. For clothing, you should fold each item according to my method and keep each item in an upright position in a drawer."

If my child's toy, sweater, or award doesn't spark joy in me, but it does in them, do you keep it?

"If it truly sparks joy in them, then you should keep it. The idea of tidying through my method requires that each person make his or her own decision, even if other people in the family disagree."

"What you can do, however, is make sure that your child keeps his or her things in the agreed-upon area for their stuff. If your child has a favorite truck, or a favorite doll, make sure that the item is kept in a special place, and stored there always."

For adults, you advocate paring down to just a handful of books. Is there a similar system when it comes to kids' books?

"Create a 'Hall of Fame' for the books you most value, and to which you refer time and again. When we are overloaded with books or other objects, our ability to receive and appreciate new information is dulled. The space in your home that you create after you tidy your books allows more information to come to you at just the right time. You'll appreciate it even more because you are in a better state of mind after you have tidied."

"And for those books which you loved but which you now thank and part with, they just may be the bringers of joy for the next family to welcome them into their home."

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