Target Just Released Its Own Unicorn Ice Cream, and OMG, It Has Glitter Candy Bits!

Mar 30 2018 - 12:35pm
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Well, everyone, the unicorn craze [3] appears to be far from over, so prepare to get on board with the latest product release: Unicorn Magic Ice Cream from Target! We have to give props to Target for jumping on the trend and creating its own unicorn-inspired ice cream for its Market Pantry line. What exactly is Unicorn Magic Ice Cream made of? Each tub consists of fruity pink ice cream with a sour blue raspberry swirl, frosting swirl, and glitter candy bits. Let's say that again: glitter. candy. bits. It's so unnecessary, but also kind of necessary, right?

This is definitely sugar overload, but that's the whole deal with unicorn foods [4] — we'd totally dig into a couple scoops of this after a rough day. We first spotted this gem of a dessert when Instagram user candyhunting [5] shared a photo of the eye-catching tubs, indicating that it's on some Target shelves now. Keep your eyes peeled for this mythical item, and treat yourself to new unicorn cereal [6] while you're at it!

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