This Mom's Holiday Card How-To Will Save You From 1 Big Mistake This Year, Trust Us

Nov 18 2018 - 9:15am

*Christmas Card Grammar PSA 2017! * You planned the outfits, found the quintessential dusk-ish field, and BRIBED YOUR CHILDREN for the perfect photo, (I mean, I did, at least) —so let’s make it COUNT! *Apostrophes DON'T FORM PLURALS. Apostrophes are used to show possession and to form contractions! * Spread the word, friends! Together, we can do big things. #GrammarWithHeather #OnceATeacherAlwaysATeacher #Apostrophes #HeatherNianouris #wordWithHeather #christmascardgrammar #lastnames

Posted by Heather Breedlove Nianouris
[1] on Monday, November 20, 2017

Heather Breedlove Nianouris, a mom and former teacher, has a PSA for families everywhere: there should, under no circumstances whatsoever, ever be an apostrophe in your family's holiday card signature [2]. It's not "Love the Martin's." And it's definitely not "Xoxo, the Bate's." In a video she created last year [3], Heather walks inquiring minds through exactly how to sign your holiday card [4] using a little bit of poster board and some tough love. And frankly, her instructions should be blasted out via loudspeaker throughout the nation.

All in all, she makes a pretty good point. How many of us schlep our kids off to some remote location to capture the perfect photo just to make a glaring grammatical error on the card itself? The short answer: a lot. So kick back, relax, and sit through this five-minute video tutorial to avoid making a blunder this season.

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