The 11 Moms You Meet at the Gym

Sep 1 2016 - 1:46pm

After kids, exercise isn't quite the same as it was before. You have to squeeze it in when you can, take classes that fit your schedule rather than just the ones you're interested in, and find someone to watch your child while you do it (unless you're exercising at home [1]). It's not that it is a worse experience; it just isn't the same as it was before. That's what makes it so easy to spot a fellow a mom at the gym and give her that knowing nod.

Not sure you know who those moms are? Read on to meet the 11 moms you'll see at the gym!

The Group Fitness Junkie

She's so happy to have other adults around her that she'll sign up for virtually any group class — even if it's something she's never heard of. She really just wants some grown-up company!

The Mom Who's Just There For the Babysitting

She really doesn't want to be there; it's just that the babysitting is so convenient — and priced so right! She'll putz around on the machines, but really, it's just a chance to have some child-free time.

The Gossiper

Her gym time is her social hour, her time to catch up with her friends. Sure, they're all there to get in a workout, but really, it's just time for the mom friends to gossip and chat about their kids.

The Chatty Cathy

She can't get a moment of quiet at home, so she's doing her business at the gym. You'll hear her on the phone with her mom, her best friend, her child's pediatrician. Just turn your own music up and you won't even realize she's there.

The First-Time-Back Mom

She just got the postpartum clearance from her doctor and is thrilled to be back. That is, until she realizes she can't pick up exactly where she left off six weeks ago . . .

The Mom Who Just Needs WiFi

She just needs some uninterrupted time with the WiFi. You may find her in the cafe, sitting in the corner, or walking on a treadmill, but if you look closely at her screen, you'll notice that she's streaming her favorite show, shopping, or FaceTiming with her friends.

The One Sitting in the Cafe

She told her family she was going to the gym, but she really just needed some peace and quiet. You'll find her nursing her latte at the cafe and watching the world go by. Exactly what the doctor ordered.

The Naked One

You know the one. She's walking around the locker room, naked, without a care in the world. She's proud of her postbaby body — every stretch mark, ounce of excess skin, and her post-breastfeeding boobs — and serves as a role model to us all.

The Fashionista

You don't know how she manages to do it — look amazing while still dripping with sweat and getting in a hardcore workout, never mind the three little ones she has at home.

The Clean Freak

She makes you take off your shoes and use hand sanitizer before you ever enter her home, so she's certainly not taking any chances of bringing home some germs from the gym. You'll spot her with a pile of antibacterial wipes that she uses before and after using any machine at the gym.

The Passerby

Truthfully, you don't see her in the gym, just passing by on your way in or out. She knows her friends are all in there, but she can't bring herself to do it, so she hangs out nearby hoping to catch them on their way in or out.

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