10 Things Every New Mom Should Have by Her Bedside Table

Dec 7 2017 - 2:05pm
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A post shared by Molly Sims (@mollybsims) [2]

Molly Sims's postbirth Instagram [3] perfectly captures the reality of new motherhood: after you bring a newborn home, your bed or bedroom becomes the hub of all activity — not because you'll be sleeping! You'll want a comfortable place to rest as you recover from a vaginal or cesarean birth [4], a quiet place to breastfeed, and a soft spot to cuddle up with your little one. So while you probably stocked the nursery [5] before your baby's arrival, it's also a good idea to prep your bedside table.

Having the essentials handy (I put mine in a cute basket on my nightstand) will mean less sitting up and lying back down (especially helpful if you had a C-section!), less midnight wandering around the house, and less bugging your partner to fetch what you need. Consider this bedside baby basket like a motherhood fanny pack — everything you need is at the ready!

Oh, and depending on your recovery, you might want to add a bottle of Motrin to this list. What else were you always reaching for after baby? Share in the comments!

Water Bottle

Any nursing mom will know that the thirst is real, which shouldn't be surprising since new moms have a lot going on in their bodies — from birth recovery to milk production. It's essential to stay hydrated and keep a water bottle handy at all times.

Glass Straw Cap Water Bottle [7] ($23)

Hair Ties

You can always use an extra hair tie. 'Nuff said.

Kitsch Knotted Hair Ties [8] ($4)

Hand Lotion

My hands got so dry from washing and sanitizing more than usual that I couldn't live without hand lotion nearby at all times. Plus, you don't want alligator hands rubbing up on your newborn's perfectly smooth skin!

Vanicream Moisturizing Skin Cream [9] ($7)

Nipple Cream

If you're nursing, you might just want to keep this one in your pocket at all times! In all seriousness, having an extra jar of nipple cream nearby to apply after middle-of-the-night feedings is a must while your breasts get used to their new role.

Motherlove Nipple Cream [10] ($11)

Extra Pacifiers

It can't hurt to have a spare paci or two nearby at all times. You know, at 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. . . .

Avent Naturally Philips Soothie Pacifier [11] ($4)

Lip Balm

In tandem with constant thirst and dry hands, my lips were always chapped after giving birth, and there's nothing more frustrating than having to search high and low for the remedy. Keep a tube of this by your bedside, in your purse, in your car — you get the idea.

L'Occitane Moisturizing Lip Balm [12] ($12)

Disposable Breast Pads

If you are anything like me and had lots of leaking issues, you'll go through breast pads about as quickly as you do newborn diapers. You'll be glad to have extras at the ready for nighttime swaps, because the last thing you want to get out of bed for is a fresh breast pad.

Avent Naturally Philips Day Breast Pads [13] ($6)

Hand Sanitizer

While you're at it, just buy one for every room in your house.

EO Lavender Hand Sanitizer Spray [14] ($5)

Burp Cloths

Stashing burp cloths around the house will save you unnecessary trips to the nursery, and having them by your bed will mean one fewer reason to actually get out of bed.

Just One You Burp Cloth Set [16] ($7)


Boogie wipes or baby wipes serve endless purposes from cleaning up (literal) spilled milk to wiping off grimy hands. Get used to having these handy now, because you'll be relying on them for years to come.

Boogie Wipes Unscented Wipes [17] ($4)

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