17 Lessons Friends Taught Us About Pregnancy and Parenting

Jul 4 2016 - 12:35pm

Over 20 years after its premiere to television, Friends is still quoted in daily conversation and specific scenes are referenced on the regular (come on, you know you do it) — likely because there are a ton of lessons that can be learned from watching the six friends navigate through their 20s and 30s.

Obviously Friends taught us a lot about dating and relationships, making it on your own, and really just life in general, but it also touches on parenting, pregnancy, and accepting your friends "being there for you" through it all — see what I did there?

Read through for 17 lessons you can learn from the iconic show in the parenthood phase of your life.

If you don't want your roommate to find out you're pregnant, don't put the positive test in the bathroom garbage you share.

Especially if that roommate is about to get married and you don't want to steal her thunder.

If your friend tells you she's pregnant before telling the father, and then he shares, pretend you didn't know.

"OH MY GOSH, REALLY?! Congratulations, I had no idea!"

If you can't look at your own pregnancy test, have a friend do it.

That's what friends are for.

Celebrate pregnancies by jumping up and down in the bathroom.

With someone in the tub for good luck (just have him cover himself up with his toy boat).

It's OK if you can't see your baby on a sonogram.

Though, those things are getting a lot more realistic looking.

Don't forget to invite your friend's mom to her baby shower.

Both the grandma-to-be and hormonal mama-to-be will be PO'd if you do forget.

Kids are going to ask weird questions and say awkward things.

Kids say the darnedest things [1].

If you're attached to a baby name, don't share it with your friends.

Chances are if they're holding an unnamed baby, they'll steal it.

When attempting to breastfeed your newborn, be sure to use words of encouragement.

"You can do it, just open up and put it in your mouth."

If your baby won't stop crying, sing "Baby Got Back" to them.

Dance moves optional, but encouraged.

Sometimes kids get hurt, and that's OK.

"Monica BANG!" Whoops.

Remember every moment.

Be present, but make sure you whip out the camera — the time flies, and you won't remember everything you want to no matter how hard you try.

Your kids will mess up, no matter what.

All through their kid years and straight into adulthood.

Don't make favoritism between children obvious.

They'll likely feel that burn all the way through life.

Don't lock yourself out of the house while your kid is inside.

Or an eagle will come swoop in and get her, probably.

Leaving your baby with someone who doesn't know what to do with kids may not be the best plan.

But if they're a good friend, they'll try to learn fast to help you out.

If you drop your baby's sock . . .


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