This Baby and His Pup Have Our Dream Relationship

May 23 2016 - 1:45pm

Some might recognize Renee Oteri Maynard from The Bachelor [1], but it's her little boy who has one of the strongest relationships . . . with their pet pup.

Since the moment baby Jax was born, he and his furry pup have been the best of friends. When you put a baby and a dog together, you know the photos are bound to be cute [2], but there's something different about these two. From tummy smooches to outdoor adventures, the strong bond between [3] Chance and Jax is undeniable — and unbelievably adorable. Thanks to Renee's precious Instagram snapshots [4], we not only get to see her second-born get older, but we also get to witness this dynamic duo's love grow (while also being seriously envious of Chance's impressive kisses!).

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