It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's . . . 23 Photos of Cats Flying Through the Air

Oct 5 2018 - 2:38pm

If you've ever owned a cat [1], then you're fully aware that they can be some of the most bizarrely behaved creatures on planet earth. While most kitties sleep up to 16 hours per day, they also manage to have a heck of a lot of energy [2], particularly once playtime rolls around. Don't believe us? Scroll through these hilariously epic photos of cats flying in the air to see for yourself. Oh, and the next time you reach for a toy, get your camera ready, because these shots are comedy gold. You've been warned!

Nothing like a good ol' turbo twist.

We can literally hear this picture.

Seems like a sticky situation.


How majestic!

Not a care in the world.

The face of determination.

Look at those eyes!

How outdoorsy.

You know what they say: reach for the stars toys.

Mad air.

Oof, this looks like a crash landing.

Nothing like a beach workout.


The epitome of athletic.


Close but no cigar.

We bet she'll stick the landing.

Reach for it . . .

What a shot.

Toy. Is. Life.


This is the most regal thing we've ever seen.

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