30 Questions You Should Consider Before Deciding On Your Child's Daycare

Jun 23 2016 - 12:37pm

Enrolling your child in daycare can be a nerve-racking experience [1] — especially if you have any lingering unanswered questions. Before making a decision on where to have your child spend his or her days, it's important to feel comfortable communicating with the staff and learning as much about the environment as possible. It's also a good idea to bring a list of questions with you so you don't get caught in the moment and forget something that you'll regret not bringing up later. Here are 30 questions that you should ask beforehand and know the answer to before your little one starts his or her first day at daycare [2].

  1. What is the protocol if my child gets sick?
  2. What is the staff-to-child ratio at all times and does it ever change?
  3. What are the kids eating and how is the food prepared?
  4. What is the discipline style?
  5. What are your policies on social media and taking photos of the kids?
  6. How is progress tracked and reported?
  7. What qualifications does a staff member need to have to be hired?
  8. What level of CPR and emergency medical training does the staff have?
  9. How do you handle potty training and accidents?
  10. Do you offer structured or unstructured play?
  11. How do you communicate with parents?
  12. What are the visitation policies?
  13. Is there extended care available?
  14. How do you handle nap times?
  15. Do you have flexible pickup and drop off hours?
  16. What accreditations do you have?
  17. What are your learning goals and focus of development?
  18. What is the feeding schedule?
  19. Would you administer medication if necessary?
  20. Is there any screen time with movies or shows?
  21. Do you specialize in certain age groups?
  22. What policies do you have in regards to vaccinations for both children and staff?
  23. Are there opportunities and programs to involve parents?
  24. Can kids still come if they are under the weather and are you charged for sick days?
  25. What cleaning standards are in place?
  26. Are there planned outings or outdoor time?
  27. How long have you been in business?
  28. How many kids are currently enrolled and what is your maximum number?
  29. What is the range of daily activities?
  30. What am I expected to provide?

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