14 Definitive Reasons Grandparents Are the Absolute Best

May 20 2018 - 9:55am

No matter what age your child is, going to grandma and grandpa's house is likely one of their favorite activities. Whether it's for a slumber party, holiday, or just to hang out for a bit, grammy and poppy (or whatever they are so lovingly called by your kiddos) always have the most exciting things to do, the best stories, and the ideal houses for hide-and-seek.

While we're at it, read through to see 14 other reasons why grandparents are the absolute best people [1] for kids to have in their lives.

The television can always be on at grandma's house.

When you're at grandma and grandpa's, screen time [3] doesn't exist — just sit your little tush on their antique couch and watch (and drool) away the day. Grandparents just let the kids live.

There are great places to hide and explore in their (probably) old house.

The coolest part of old houses — or just houses that are well-lived in and full of old stuff — is that there are plenty of nooks and crannies to hide in and explore. It's the perfect setting for hide-and-seek with siblings and cousins on holidays, and the best place to find a quiet place to read [4] and build a fort [5] with grandparents during slumber parties.

Or they live in a retirement community with a pool.

As if visiting grandma and grandpa isn't enough fun in itself, if they have a pool in their retirement community, that means sunny days splashing grandpa and eating water-logged peanut butter sandwiches [6] with grandma.

Grandparents ALWAYS have candy.

After lives of following diets and exercising, grandparents know that the best thing at the end of a long day is a little piece of candy [7] (or three). There's always a stocked drawer or bags in the freezer, guaranteed — win!

And while we're at it, grandma always has the best food.

Whether she and grandpa made it themselves [8] or just flexed their expert grocery shopping muscles, the food at grandma's is always better than at home — that's just how it works. And don't get us started on holiday food — obviously grandma does it best.

They never say no!

Unlike mom and dad, grandparents have the overwhelming ability to say "yes" to everything. They know that they might get in trouble by their own kids [9], but it's a risk they're willing to take — grandparents are meant to spoil their grandkids [10]!

Grandparents take you on the best adventures.

Whether it’s a day at the beach [11], a hike through a national park [12], or a road trip [13] to a brand-new place, you know it’s going to be good if your grandparents are in charge.

Most times you see grandma and grandpa, they have something exciting to give you.

Whether it's a new bottle of bubbles [14], a hand-me-down, something from the garden [15], or an actual wrapped gift [16], grandparents will rarely not present you with something fun when you visit — especially if you don't get to see them often!

Bath time is rarely a worry at grandma and grandpa's.

Bath procrastinators, rejoice! There's no time for baths [17] when you're having so much fun at your grandparent's house. Shhhh, we won't tell mom if you don't!

Grandparents are always down to play.

Parents are exhausted, and sometimes playing is the last thing on their minds even when they really want to spend time with their kids — grandparents on the other hand? Refreshed and ready to go! Bring on the four-hour Lego building sessions, making forts [18] out of sheets until the linen closet shelves are empty, watching Frozen [19] four times in a row, and role-playing with action figures until bedtime (when they read every book requested [20]) — they'll do it all!

They tell the best stories.

And the best part? Most of them are childhood stories that awe today's kids [21], not stories from a book! But grandparents are especially good at doing voices in storybooks as well, so either way they're winners come bedtime.

Things aren't as busy and organized with grandma and grandpa.

At grandma and grandpa’s house, things move a bit slower, and the feeling of rushing [22] that is often present in our homes disappears. There’s always time for dilly-dallying at grandma’s house — always.

Grandparents know everything.

They've been through a lot in their lifetimes, they raised their own kids, and the world has likely gone through some changes since they were kids. They can answer any question — whether it's a magical made-up answer or the real thing — and most importantly, they won't default with, "I don't know, ask your mother/father [23]."

They will listen to every single story their grandchild has to tell.

No matter how silly, ridiculous [24], drawn out, or straight-up incoherent, they'll listen to their grandchild talk all day and entertain every story with praise — even if the same one is told a billion times. Now that's unconditional love [25].

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