This Heartwarming Star Wars Ad Has a Last-Minute Reveal That Will Leave You in Tears

Whether you're a fan of Star Wars or not, this heartwarming ad featuring a young child in a Stormtrooper mask is going to leave you in a puddle of your own tears. The ad comes from Globe, a Filipino telecommunications company, in support of its #CreateCourage movement [1] — which promotes and protects the rights of Filipino girls and young women — and was in conjunction with the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The sweet video follows a young girl named Alex around while she performs mundane tasks, dances around with her older brother, and attends school, all in her Stormtrooper mask.

We won't tell you why she's in the mask and ruin the ending for you, but it's worth watching until the very end to see what her kind classmates had in store for her.

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