You Don't Want to Miss Saturday Night Live's Spoof of Christmas Jammies Video

Dec 21 2014 - 9:40am

It wouldn't be a holiday if the Holderness family wasn't dressed in their matching pajamas and singing their video Christmas card, would it? While two years of video Christmas cards have gone viral [1], the North Carolina-based family can finally say they've made it now that Saturday Night Live has spoofed them.

During last night's episode, the "Tenderfields" shared their holiday card titled, "Christmas Sweatpants," and let's just say the family didn't have quite as good a year as the Holdernesses. Though cheery and full of pizzazz, the family sings about their son thinking he is a dog, their daughter's sociopathic tendencies, as well as the mom's failed acting career and affair — who has moved into their home. Not exactly the winner of a year the Holdernesses had.

But not to worry, the Holdernesses took it as good fun. This morning, Penn wrote on the family's blog [2]:

"We LOVE Saturday Night Live. LOVE. Obsessed. If we were only cool enough to stay awake for it we would have seen them spoof our video. THIS. MAKES. MY. LIFE.

Except for the affair and sociopath children — this is pretty spot on."

Happy holidays from the Holdernesses and the Tenderfields — hope your year is more like the former, rather than the latter.

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