Amazon Sells a Christmas Costume That Turns Your Pet Into Santa's Sleigh. Dog Will Never Forgive You.

Dec 5 2018 - 3:55pm

If you have a dog in your house, then you've likely seen all the holiday costumes out there. Cute fleece robes with printed snowflakes, matching pajamas they can wear with the family [1], and perhaps even a pair of reindeer ears that easily slip on over their head. But what we're pretty certain you haven't seen is this convoluted masterpiece on Amazon. It's called a Santa Dog Costume [2] ($25), but it is so much more than that. It slips on over the dog and has sewn-in antlers to look like a reindeer, but the pièce de résistance is Santa, who's also affixed to the top, with reins in his hands and a bowl full of jelly. You are going to LOVE seeing your furry BFF in this costume. But we can't promise your dog will ever speak to you again.

Santa Dog Costume

The Santa Dog Costume [4] ($25) has pockets on each side so you can stuff real gifts in there!

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