10 Real Moms Share How They Knew They Were Ready to Have a Baby

Even though deciding to have a baby is a major life decision, it's not one that all parents actively make. Whether you were the type to wait for a specific feeling that you were ready to conceive (like your biological clock suddenly ticking full force) or the only sign you had was the positive sign on your pregnancy test, everyone's road to motherhood is different. We asked real moms to share how they knew they were ready for kids, and along with plenty of different signs, one sentiment was felt by almost everyone: no matter how certain you feel before getting pregnant, you're never as prepared as you think once that baby arrives! Check out how these 10 mamas officially knew they were up for the challenge.

  1. "Two pink lines. I had 8 months to mentally prepare. He's six now and some days I wonder if I'm really capable of raising this child without screwing him up too badly." — Ashley
  2. "My nephew was a few months old and he was so perfect.. After my husband and I held him we knew we wanted a baby, the look on my husbands face was priceless." — Azalia
  3. "I wasn't ready for either of my children. Nobody is ready for a child even if they are planned because it's a whole other story when the child actually arrives." — Laura
  4. "I knew I was ready when I started 'momming' my friends kids! Three kids and 8 years later and feels good...most of the time." — Shinneen
  5. "Labor pains." — Tara
  6. "When I woke up one day and was like...'damn I'm 29...might wanna get this show on the road.'" — April
  7. "When he was about a year old I felt I was finally ready for him." — Whitney
  8. "We decided that when my youngest made a year we would start trying again. We want to keep them all around the same age that way they're out around the same time too." — Holly
  9. "When the nurses asked if I was ready to hold my baby boy." — Sandra
  10. "The biggest sign was a baby coming out of my vagina." — Andrea