10 Stores I'd Rather Not Take My Children Into

Sep 2 2017 - 9:13am

There are certain things that are very, very hard to do when you have small children [1], but one standout is shopping. There is no way around it: small kids make shopping superhard. From their wanting every single thing within sight to their touching everything within reach, it's just not my cup of tea. Don't get my wrong; I love my leisurely strolls through Target, but only when my tots are in school. And if I'm lucky, I can sneak in a few errands before picking them up — because I avoid taking them with me to the following stores.

The Disney Store

It's the store for the happiest place on earth, but my kids always seem to leave this place unhappy.

Source: Flickr user David Masters [2]

Victoria's Secret

No explanation needed.

Source: Flickr user CJ Sorg [3]


I, for one, love shopping at Target. But I love doing it alone. With my kids in tow, Target takes on a whole new meaning — and I can't tell you how many times I've used a big red ball as a time-out spot.

Source: Flickr user Kevin Dooley [4]


There is one reason, and one reason alone, that I don't like bringing my children here: cake pops.

Source: Flickr user Marco Paköeningrat [5]


It's ironic how a store that is meant for children might just be the number one place I hate bringing my own children. Not only is it complete overstimulation for them, but it's like they both suddenly turn into Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka the minute we step inside.

Source: Flickr user Mike Mozart [6]


I do like that Costco feeds my children snacks during our shopping trip; what I don't like is that it's just way too big to be toting two small children around — and five minutes too long in Costco can feel like an eternity.

Source: Flickr user Mike Mozart [7]

Home Goods (or Any Home Stores)

Honestly, bringing my children into any home store is a bad idea in my book. Bored kiddos combined with the store's contents being 82 percent breakable just does not work.

Source: Flickr user Mike Mozart [8]


My children seem to literally want every single item that Michaels sells, and while I love the creativity that the craft store offers kids, even a 50-percent-off coupon can't seem to keep my tab under $30 when my kids are there.

Source: Flickr user m01229 [9]

Convenience Stores

When absolutely necessary, I will tote a tot into a convenience store for the use of its facilities (beelining past the candy and random knickknacks), but that's about as far as it'll go.

Source: Flickr user Ralph Hockens [10]

Small Boutiques

Cute, small boutiques with fun finds in every corner are my absolute favorite. I love stores like this so much that I will ask my husband to stand outside with the kiddos (or maybe take a walk) so that I can keep my enjoyment levels high and the stress levels low.

Source: Flickr user downing.amanda [11]

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