24 Activities Your Tween Will Actually Want to Do With You This Summer

Jun 26 2018 - 3:55am

Ah, the tween years [1]! The magical limbo period in your kids' lives where they're too old for and totally uninterested in events geared toward children but not even close to being old enough or mature enough to hit up teen-centric events. As any parent knows all too well, the Summer months can be brutal in the boredom category — and the tween years can be especially challenging [2].

While you're probably already completely used to all the grunts and groans that are mumbled in your direction from your 9- to 12-year-old [3], we have good news: there are some activities you can do with them that they may genuinely enjoy. Don't believe us? Scroll through to check out some of our favorite ideas, and don't forget to bookmark them all.

1. Enroll in a sushi-making class, or experiment with making your best version of pad thai at home.

2. Check out a local sporting event. Pro tip: tickets to a college or minor league baseball game are pretty affordable.

3. Join a Summer reading club together. There's literally no limit to what doors a good book can open!

4. Go to a museum you haven't been to yet.

5. Make it your mission to find a local "hidden gem" and explore it from top to bottom.

6. Give them a rundown of your family history. You'll really be surprised by how many questions they'll have about their heritage.

7. Hike a new trail.

8. Learn how to pitch a tent or start a fire. There's nothing like learning a new life skill together, right?

9. Check out a concert — and sing your heart out. Even parents can appreciate Taylor Swift [5] and 5 Seconds of Summer.

10. Try your hand at bird-watching. It's free and you'll get a good walk in.

11. Take them and a friend out for a night of laser tag and pizza.

12. Eat up at a food festival. This is the best place to engage in a little adventurous eating!

13. Teach them how to change a flat tire. It might not be the most fun activity in the whole world, but they'll definitely thank you later!

14. Take a photography class.

15. Introduce them to games like chess or backgammon.

16. Volunteer for a day. Connect with a friend's parent and make a day out of it. Try the local soup kitchen or an animal shelter [6].

17. Take a stab at geocaching [7]. Yes, gigantic scavenger hunts exist — and your tween will be completely obsessed with them.

18. Hit the spa, because a good manicure or massage always leads to chitchat.

19. Bake cookies and give them to those in need. You know that nursing home you've been meaning to volunteer at? Now's your chance!

20. DIY [8] your own slime. Either go the regular route [9] or try an edible version. [10]

21. Find a drive-in. Although they're certainly a dying breed, nothing beats hitting the drive-in for a double feature with a cooler in tow. Having trouble finding one nearby? Turn your backyard into the perfect spot to watch a flick [11].

22. Head to the go-kart track for an afternoon.

23. Catch a play. FYI: community or college productions make for amazingly affordable options.

24. Play a round of mini-golf.

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