The 8 Things About Being a Parent That You Might Not Like but Are Definitely Going to Miss

Apr 1 2016 - 1:17pm

There's no question that being a parent is hard. While each new stage brings with it a unique set of challenges, it's very easy to start counting down for them to grow out of the current "stage" and mature toward more desirable behaviors. But all of the struggles about being a parent that might wear you down are actually going to be the aspects that you'll look back on fondly. As your child grows from a tiny human being into their own independent person, these are the things you're going to miss — even if you were less than thrilled about them at the time.

The Clinging

Sure, you'd like to be able to go to the bathroom alone or leave for a quick errand without it causing your toddler to spiral into a total fit. But you’ll miss these tears and clinging hugs over your absence when they start exerting their independence and pushing you away.

The Mommy Cliques

Mommy groups can be competitive, time-consuming, and sometimes filled with gossip, but these circles of women also provide a sense of camaraderie and support that’s unique to this special time in your life.

The Nighttime Feedings

You might wonder if you’ll ever feel rested again. But give it a few years and you’ll take the bags under your eyes for that unique bonding time with your little ones once they’re headed off to elementary school.

The Endless Questions

If you've ever experienced a day when your little one was just filled with never-ending questions, you've probably caught yourself hoping that you’ll never hear "But why?" ever again. But you'll miss their inquisitive spirit — and them thinking you know everything — during their teenage years.

Changing Diapers

While diapers are gooey and stinky, just thinking about that clean baby smell as soon as you pick them up when the task is done is enough to make you want another baby (in diapers!) ASAP.

All of the Advice

As your tot gets bigger, so do their problems. Even though it felt like you couldn’t take a breath without someone offering unsolicited advice for even the smallest of issues when he or she was first born, you’re not going to have the perfect answer — or even always know who you should turn to — to help your older child with their high-school concerns.

The Outfit Struggle

It can be beyond frustrating when your toddler refuses to wear anything but a cape or that same princess costume and snow boots every single day. But if they go through a stage where they just want to dress like everyone else (and only wear what the “cool kids” are wearing), you’re going to especially miss the days when they expressed themselves freely without a care to what anyone else thought of them.

The Hectic Schedules

Even though some days seem impossible to juggle it all, you’ll still trade anything for a bit of organized chaos with your kiddos when things quiet down as your children leave the nest.

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