New Research Reveals What 3 Types of Modern-Day Dads Are Actually Like

Mar 7 2017 - 10:20am

Although dads still have a reputation of being less involved [1] with their kids and are referred to as "babysitters" when they do provide care, a recent study is showing what modern-day dads [2] are actually like.

In a shift from previous generations, the new research shows that not only are dads today less strict, but their kids also fear them less. Nickelodeon Australia spearheaded the study, appropriately called "Wait Until Your Father Gets Home," and found that modern-day dads fall into three different categories [3]:

Provider Dads: According to the research, these are the dads making the primary income and taking parental direction from the mom or the main caregiver. This is the more traditional dad who helps out when needed but leaves most of the childcare up to the mom.

Super-Sub Dads: These dads are still working full-time, but they are also heavily involved in parenting. They are the "tag team" coparents who take on more of the traditionally female tasks, help out outside of work, and jump in on the weekends.

Carer Dads: Dads who are the primary caregivers fit into this category. These dads either work at home or work part-time and are responsible for much more than the other two types of dads. They are hands-on and don't let gender norms or stereotypes get in the way of their parenting.

Out of the 900 dads studied, 54 percent feel that their jobs are less understanding about the changes that come with becoming a dad, and 42 percent think that the media portrays dads as clueless and dumb. Although the research also found that kids now see the phrase "wait until your father gets home" as a reward rather than a threat, 50 percent of dads think the media needs to do a better job of showing fathers being sensitive while interacting with their kids.

"Today's dads are increasingly more involved in the day-to-day decisions around the household," Kirsty Bloore, a senior director at Viacom International Media Network, said in a statement [5]. "They purchase groceries, make decisions on what clothes and toys to buy and are involved in choosing day care. Most importantly, dads feel they should be portrayed as being much more involved and nurturing."

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