7 Ways to KonMari Your Kid's Room For a Clutter-Free Existence

Apr 1 2018 - 1:25pm

Ah, the KonMari method: the Japanese organizational system [1] that's taken the internet and messy closets by storm that you've probably been dying to try but never found the time. The decluttering strategy, which is described in The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing [2] by Marie Kondo, can even apply to your little one's nursery, bedroom, or playroom [3] with a few tweaks from the adult version.

First and foremost, Marie suggests dedicating a big block of time — even a few days, depending on the space — to attacking the mess. The next step requires a little help from your mini me as well as some hard and long thinking. Your mission? To get rid of anything and everything that doesn't "spark joy" in your kiddos. While that may be easier said than done, getting rid of toys, books, and games your children don't play with anymore is proven to give you a lot more peace of mind. The last, and often the hardest, step is to actually find a permanent home for the things you plan to keep. Per Marie's instructions, you organize by category, rather than by room.

Thinking about doing away with all that excess stuff for good when it comes to your kid's spaces? Follow these steps to rid yourself of clutter once and for all.

Get rid of as much stuff as you can.

Although convincing your children that they don't need to keep every single thing they've ever owned is no small feat, the less you have to work with, the better. Start by getting rid of all the broken toys and clothes they've grown out of and go from there. Ask them how long it's been since they've used an item, and set a limit of six months or a year. You'd be surprised how these simple decluttering tips [5] will help you feel less stressed at home.

Store belongings based on categories.

When it comes to getting a handle on your little one's playroom, the more details you can plan ahead of time, the better. Start by delegating specific items to certain parts of the room. If they can't get enough of painting or drawing, create an art corner so all their supplies can be found easily in one spot. This list of bestselling organizers on Amazon [7] is a great place to start!

Start with the clothing.

Even though it may seem overwhelming at first, dump all your little one's clothes into a big pile on the floor and get sorting. Start by donating all the clothes that don't fit along with anything they don't like wearing or haven't worn in a while. Shoot for six months or a year, depending on your child's age. This brilliant hanger hack [8] is a smart way to keep track of items that aren't being worn.

The next step is folding each garment [9] according to the KonMari method, and although you might think it's tedious at first glance, it's a lifesaver for parents. Putting away your children's clothes this way allows them to pick out their own outfits without totally upending your neatly folded pile.

Take their books head on.

Gather all your kids' books from around the house and throw them in a pile in the middle of the room. (Yes, KonMari involves a lot of piles!) Are they too old for some? Uninterested in others? Sort the titles into "donate" and "keep" piles. Oh, and FYI: if your mini me has had a book for months and has never cracked it open, you can bet it'll stay that way. More is more when it comes to the donate pile.

Throw away the damn artwork.

Say it with me: "Chuck it." Yes, sometimes throwing out your kids' artwork can get emotional, but honestly, there's a lot more where that came from. Select a few pieces that make you or your child especially happy, and hang onto them. Don't feel guilty throwing out the rest. For special pieces, we're crazy about these unique gifts you can create from your kids' artwork [10]!

Keep their toys in a specific part of the house.

After sifting through all the toys your children don't need, try sorting them by type to make the process more manageable. Separate them into groups like small toys, puzzles, outdoor toys, dolls, etc., and then store them in bins accordingly. In order to set yourself up for future success, remind your kids frequently that all toys need to be put back into the closet and bin they belong in. These creative toy storage hacks [11] will provide you with plenty of ideas!

Realize clear bins are your friend.

Although Marie doesn't recommend a specific type of storage bin [12], when it comes to navigating kids' stuff, see-through options are a great way to go for things they need access to. Label each container with washable markers to make cleanup time even easier.

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