Parents Transform Babies' Helmets From Sad to Sensational

Jan 29 2014 - 11:37am

Never underestimate the power of a parent trying to take away their child's pain. If you haven't had personal experience with it, chances are you've at least seen an infant wearing a cranial band — one of those teeny, tiny corrective helmets that babies with plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome) wear to fix the condition.

While misshapen heads are fairly common amongst newborns, and even severe cases are usually curable, the sight of a baby in a little helmet inevitably leads to unsolicited sympathy from friends, family, and even strangers. As such, many parents who have had enough of hearing "poor baby" when they're out and about have transformed their children's challenges into a (really adorable) cottage industry. Companies like Bling Your Band [1] and Wrap Buddies [2] have sprung up with the sole purpose of transforming tots' cranial helmets from their cold, utilitarian look to fun, artistic, and kid-friendly creations.

"We decided to take the current situation we were in and embrace it as much as we could. I would rather have people asking us to take a pictures and praising our situation as opposed to getting sympathy," said Wesley Piercy, who transformed his son's helmet to the Star Wars-inspired R2D2 creation seen above.

Head over to TODAY Moms [3] to see more baby noggin masterpieces!

Source: Wesley Piercy via Facebook user TODAY Moms [4]

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