16 of the Most Random (and Weird) Things All Kids Freakin' Love

Apr 1 2015 - 9:23am

All kids have their own silly phrases [1] or strange habits [2], but what is up with some of the random and weird stuff they ALL seem to love? I'm not talking about Elmo, Elsa, or Captain America here, either. I'm talking about the nontoy, noncandy, untraditionally fun stuff our kids just can't get enough of, and like nearly everything that comes with dealing with a small child, it's pretty much nonsense. Fear not, mama — your little freak show is actually quite normal, because nearly every kid loves at least one of these completely random things. Though I'm willing to bet that most kids (ahem, like my own) can proudly check off all 16 from the list.

Being Naked

Given the choice, most tots would choose going commando over wearing clothing any day of the week.

Drinking Bathwater

All kids have done or will do this. If yours hasn't, just wait.


If you really want your child to listen, tell it to her via secret.

Fart Sounds

It doesn't even have to be an actual fart, but any sound resembling a fart is sure to make a child smile.

Moving Sidewalks

Kids just cannot get enough of these things.


I can hear my kids yelling it as they spot a tiny pool of water: "Puddle!" To which they will then run through, walk through, bike through, or jump in.

Wet Clothes

Be it from the rain or an impromptu dip in the pool, kids love nothing more than getting their clothes absolutely soaked.

Squishing Bugs

I don't advocate this, and in all honesty, I wish they'd just leave the bugs alone, but many a creepy-crawly (and even those not-so-creepy ones) has lost its life because a child couldn't resist a good squashing.


Speaking of bugs, did I miss the whole fascination with roly-polies part of the parenting books [3]?


Please kids, I know they are shiny and pointy, but please easy up on that scissors fixation!


It's not a boy thing or a girl thing. It's a kid thing.


Their own poop. Other's people's poop. Animal poop. Things that look like poop. Words that sound like poop. Kids simply love poop.

Adult-Size Shoes

A small child simply cannot resist a large pair of shoes.

Knocking Stuff Over

Be it a stack of blocks or newly folded laundry, if it's piled high, children love to knock it down and watch it crash.

Garbage Collection

Adorable Quincy, the toddler who met his garbage idols [4], is not the only child with an absolute adoration for garbagemen and their giant, smelly trucks.


Grandma was right. Toss all their toys, because at the end of the day, boxes trump everything.

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