Why Being a Single Mom Has Turned Me Into a Complete B*TCH

May 21 2017 - 10:00am

We're excited to share this post written by Eden Strong from our friends at YourTango [1].

I feel like a b*tch today.

I feel like the mom who's struggling to not only raise two young kids, but two kids with a very rare genetic illness — alone. I feel like the single mom [2] who's working 3 jobs, 18 hours a day, in an effort to get above poverty level, a goal that seems to become further away each day.

I'm the exhausted human being who hasn't slept more than 5 hours a night in three years, and the mom trying to help her children grieve the loss of their father [3].

I worry constantly about how much I'm probably failing my kids.

I'm the mom who spends every single second of her day doing everything on her own: parenting [4], working, cleaning, cooking, shopping, planning, doctoring, changing, adapting, worrying, and stressing.

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I'm also the mom who feels like a complete b*tch because I know exactly how hard my life is and because of that, I've lost all compassion for anything and everything you'd like to complain about.

It's not that I don't think other people don't have it harder than me; it's just that I've lost a level of compassion that I used to have for most trivial complaints.

I don't care that your husband had to work late and your kids were getting on your nerves — because help will eventually come.

I don't care that your child's home sick and you had to miss your yoga class — because when my child's home sick, I miss a paycheck.

I don't care that you had to work all weekend — because I've been working weekdays, evenings, and weekends for three years straight.

I don't care that you feel like you really need a vacation — because I'm just hoping that I can afford to buy groceries.

I don't care that your mother meddles in your business — because I'd give almost anything to have parents who were able to help me out.

I don't care that your kid didn't get on the baseball team this year — because my kid is grieving the absence of a parent.

I don't care that Starbucks was out of soy milk, the zoo was too crowded, your nail tech was running late, or any other of your first world problems. I work with women [5] who have been abused, raped, and had their entire lives shattered. Women who are now desperately trying to navigate their own single mother world. We have real problems; you do not.

So your complaints? They're invalid to me. I don't f*cking care.

I realize that my lack of compassion for your daily annoyances is probably my own issue, but that's all I can think about right now.

So unless you're actually stuck in a ravine, don't complain about it to me. Don't call me for help just step over the pebble that's in your path; keep moving because I don't have time for this sh*t.

I'm too busy trying to climb out of the damn ravine to care.

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