11 Snow Day Expectations vs. Realities For Parents That Are So Spot-On

Jan 9 2019 - 2:35pm

Snow days are the perfect excuse to enjoy some quality time with your kids (if you don't have to work from home!). You'll finally have a chance to get your money's worth on that cute snow gear [1] you bought for the entire family, the kids will love all the activities you have planned, and after the outdoor fun [2] ends, you'll gather around the fireplace to warm up with some sweet treats, a cozy movie [3], and some hot cocoa. Your snow day will be just like the ones you see on the Hallmark Channel, right? Wrong.

When you're a kid, snow days are magical and amazing. But when you're a parent, they're . . . tough. You have to make sure your kids are entertained all day, sometimes it IS too cold to go outside, and you probably don't get more than 10 minutes of peace before someone says, "I'm bored!" Keep reading for 11 snow day expectations vs. realities that are so real, it almost hurts.

Expectation: Everyone Will Sleep In

Expect to catch up on some much needed sleep. School days have you practically ripping the kids out of bed, but snow days mean everyone gets to sleep in!

Reality: The Kids Wake Up Earlier Than Normal

The kids will be too excited to sleep when they find out they have no school, so they'll be out of bed earlier on snow days than any other day of the year.

Expectation: You'll Have Plenty of Time to Make a Hearty Breakfast

You can leisurely whip up those pancakes your kids have been asking for all week. While there's no time to plan a hearty breakfast on school days and busy weekends, getting snowed in is the perfect time to put your cooking skills to work!

Reality: They'll Eat Whatever Processed Breakfast Food Is in the Cabinet

Not only did your kids rob you of extra sleep, but they grab a sugary breakfast from the cabinets before you can even say "pancakes."

Expectation: Everyone Will Catch Up on Their Work

You'll finally have a few extra hours to meet that work deadline, and the kids can get a head start on their big school project. Everyone will finally cross those unfinished tasks off their to-do lists!

Reality: You Get Absolutely Nothing Done

Forget about productivity when there's a snow day. Your to-do list just got longer because you got absolutely nothing done. And having the kids home all day only adds more work to your plate!

Expectation: You'll Get to Show Off That Cute Outdoor Gear You Just Bought

Finally! You can dig into your closet for you're new snow boats that you know will look perfect with your hat and puff jacket.

Reality: You Look Like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man From Ghostbusters

Clearly that white puff jacket didn't fit the way you envisioned it, your pom-pom hat just makes you look ridiculous, and you could easily be compared to a cross between Mr. Stay Puft and a Pomeranian dog.

Expectation: You'll Get the Kids Outside Early to Enjoy the Snow

Just because it's a snow day doesn't mean you should waste the entire day away. You'll have the whole family bundled up and out the door before lunch.

Reality: By the Time Everyone Gets Ready, the Snow Is Slush

Who are you kidding? By the time you actually get up, get everyone fed, and pull out the snow gear, it's not even worth going outside anymore. It takes forever to get everyone bundled up, and by that time, the snow has melted just enough to make a dirty, slushy mess. And you're exhausted!

Expectation: You'll Build the Perfect Snowman

Someone grab the camera, because you're going to build a snowman that puts Frosty to shame. Princess Anna's got nothing on you.

Reality: Your Snowman Can Cause Nightmares

The entire neighborhood will be talking about your disaster of a snowman. Word on the streets is, it caused more than one local kid to have nightmares.

Expectation: You'll Cuddle Up by a Cozy Fire

Make sure you stock up on extra firewood. Snow days are the perfect time for the whole family to gather around the warm fire and enjoy each other's company.

Reality: The Firewood Is Waterlogged and the Boiler Breaks

Forget cozy and warm! The boiler breaks just when the cold sets in and you're all freezing. You can't even light a fire because your partner left the firewood outside and it got wet.

Expectation: You'll Clean the Entire House

Snow days are the perfect time to catch up on the cleaning you never have time to do. You can't wait to feel so good once it's done!

Reality: The House Is in Worse Condition Than Ever

The kids run in and out of the backyard with snow on their feet, and there's dirty food plates and toys everywhere. Why attempt to clean when they're just going to continue to make a mess?

Expectation: You'll Have a Snow Day Family Photo Op

It's snowing! Time to start planning all those cute outdoor photos you're going to take of the kids. Now is the perfect time to get your Christmas card picture. What a perfect backdrop!

Reality: The Photos Look Ridiculous

Your little one rolled in the snow the minute you got them outside and now their face is red and they're crying. The middle kids are fighting and whipping snow balls at each other. And, isn't your oldest child supposed to know better than to stick his tongue to a cold pole?

Expectation: You'll Make Cute Snow Angels and Enjoy the Weather

Can't wait to get out and breathe in that crisp, cold Winter air. You'll teach the kids how to make snow angels. Maybe you'll even let lose and start a friendly family snowball fight!

Reality: It's Freaking Freezing and Your Socks Are Wet

Oh, hell no! You can't handle this cold. Your fingers are frozen even though you have gloves on, your lips got instantly chapped, and your socks are soaking wet with snow boots on.

Expectation: You'll Surprise Your Partner With a Delicious Dinner

With all this extra time, you'll give the kids a movie to watch and get to baking. You'll have plenty of time to plan, prep, and cook the perfect dinner to surprise your partner with when they get home, and the house will smell amazing.

Reality: You Give Up and Order Takeout

You were insanely busy all day, you're tired, and you're hungry. Takeout it is.

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