10 Strollers You Can Still Bring to Disney — All Under 31"

Mar 31 2019 - 2:05pm

Disney is one of the greatest places you can take your kids [1], but if you've been scrambling to make sense of its new stroller restrictions announced yesterday [2] — the maximum width of strollers was reduced from 36 inches to 31 inches — we've put together a list of leading options that fit within the park's size requirements. Whether you need a double or single, we found 10 popular styles that are all OK to bring inside!

Chicco Liteway Stroller

The Chicco Liteway Stroller [4] ($99) is 35 inches by 19 inches by 40 inches when unfolded.

Babyzen Yoyo Stroller

Parents who find themselves frequently traveling gush over the Babyzen Yoyo Stroller [5] ($499). When folded, it's 20 inches by 17.5 inches by 7 inches.

Ergobaby Compact Stroller Metro Ergobaby

Ergobaby's newest stroller, the compact Metro [6] ($299), is a must-have for city-dwellers. It's 20.8 inches by 16.9 inches by 9 inches.

Maclaren Quest

The Maclaren Quest [7] ($295), like all other Maclaren strollers, comes with a lifetime warranty (just make sure to register your stroller within 60 days of purchase), making it a great investment for your family. With a weight limit that goes up to 55 pounds, this compact option will last through all of your stroller-pushing years.

Britax 2017 B-Agile Double Stroller

Yes, you can bring a double stroller to Disney! The Britax 2017 B-Agile Double Stroller [8] ($300) is exactly 31 inches wide and is mentioned on Disney's blog as an approved stroller.

Evenflo Aero 2 Ultra-Lightweight Double Stroller

The Evenflo Aero 2 Ultra-Lightweight Double Stroller [9] ($230) is also mentioned on Disney's blog as an approved stroller.

Kolcraft Cloud Plus

Two of the best features of the Kolcraft Cloud Plus [10] ($93) are its price and its huge under-seat storage compartment. If you're looking to get a lot of function for your dollar, this little stroller will deliver! Weighing in at just over 11 pounds, the Cloud Plus can carry your child from 6 months all the way to 50 pounds. It's only 18 inches wide, too.

Maxi-Cosi Lila Modular Stroller

The Maxi-Cosi Lila Modular Stroller [11] ($800) is 24 inches wide.

Maxi-Cosi Lara Ultra Compact Stroller

The Maxi-Cosi Lara Ultra Compact Stroller [12] ($220) maneuvers easily and is 19 inches wide.

gb Pockit Stroller

The gb Pockit Stroller [13] ($180) is regarded as one of the smallest fold-up strollers on the market.

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