This Mom Acts Like a Toddler Just to See Her Daughter's Reactions, and Wow, It's Adorable

Kids do the darnedest things. They spill on themselves, get frustrated when square pegs don't go in triangle holes, and pinch their fingers in between building blocks. At least, that's what Amy Marie Herman has observed from her own 2-year-old daughter, Gracie. Recently, Amy decided to act like a toddler herself and record Gracie's reactions for TikTok. Spoiler: Gracie's unbelievably sweet!

Like all kids, Gracie is full of surprises. Her response to Amy's "tantrums" are empathetic and kind, with a lot of hugs and a sweet "You're my best friend" thrown in there. Looks like the student has become the teacher! Clearly, Gracie's caring responses were learned, and for that, we have to give her mom lots of credit. Watch their adorable videos below.