Take a Much-Needed Break This Mother's Day With These Self-Care Ideas

May 6 2020 - 2:38pm

With the COVID-19 outbreak seriously muddling our traditional Mother's Day plans [1], it's time to get creative when it comes to celebrations. And because the last few weeks have been filled with working, homeschooling [2], and taking care of the kids, we definitely think a little rest and recuperation is in order. Moms who are looking for a few minutes — or an entire morning, if they're lucky — of peace have come to the right place! Ahead, you'll find a list of some ways you can celebrate yourself on Mother's Day [3].

1. Sleep in!

We won't deny it: sleep often seems hard to come by these days. Don't set an alarm on Mother's Day [5], and sleep until the kiddos allow. It wouldn't hurt to have your partner take them for an early walk, either!

2. Take some time to read in bed.

There's nothing sweeter than getting breakfast in bed from the kids. And while we love diving into a hearty plate of french toast, it's definitely worth lingering under the sheets for an extra hour to get some reading in if you can.

3. Draw yourself a nice, long bubble bath.

If you only use your bathtub to get the kids clean, it's time to change that narrative. Carve out a half hour for a relaxing bath. (Take a page out of January Jones's book if you truly want to go all out [6]). PS: don't feel guilty about not cleaning the tub afterward; it's definitely not on your to-do list for the day!

4. Go on a solo run.

Squeezing in exercise while self-isolating can be particularly hard when you have the kids 24/7. Put yourself first on Mother's Day, and go for a run. It will do wonders to clear your head.

5. Set up a video call with your other mom friends.

Have your partner watch your little ones for an hour so you can get in a little happy-hour session with the other moms in your life. Not much of a drinker? No problem! Make it a coffee date.

6. Splurge on a new cozy gift.

There's nothing like winding down on the couch after the kiddos are in bed. In the spirit of relaxation, why not buy yourself a cozy sweater or blanket to cuddle under? You don't have to break the bank, but you'll appreciate getting a little something new.

7. Schedule some one-on-one time with each child.

Given the fact that the days seem to blend into each other, it's no surprise parents with more than one kid are struggling to get the usual alone time with their children. If you're up for it, try setting aside an hour to do an activity with each of your children alone. You'll get to catch up with them, and they'll be grateful for the undivided attention.

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