The 10 Style Commandments of Holiday Party Dressing

Dec 3 2016 - 6:00am

Shopping for the perfect party look [1] can leave you feeling a little like Goldilocks. One dress is too small, another too sheer — but once you find the one that's just right, now that's a special moment. And while that ideal look may be different for every woman, come the holidays [2], there are a few guidelines [3] every woman should keep in mind. They're not about telling you what you can't or shouldn't wear — that's not for anyone but you to decide. Instead, they're all about how to have the best season of celebrating ever [4], with a little help from your look. Just read on for a breakdown.

Thou Shalt Dare to Wear the Pants

Swap your favorite party dress for a sleek jumpsuit and everyone will be sure to notice.

Thou Shalt Not Fear Plenty of Sparkle

It's the holidays, after all, so shine on, you crazy diamond.

Thou Shalt Dust Off Your Summer Sandals

If it's snowing outside, skip the open toe – but if you're spending the evening indoors, something strappy might be nice.

Thou Shalt Color Coordinate

Make a statement by rocking one color head to toe.

Thou Shalt Always Carry a Coat

Be prepared! It may not match your outfit, but a jacket could come to the rescue if you end up spending any unexpected time outdoors.

Thou Shalt Treat Yourself While Getting Ready

The holidays are stressful, so make the most of getting dressed. Take a bubble bath, rock out, try out your favorite jewelry, and just take it easy.

Thou Shalt Make Use of Your Closet

Don't feel obligated to shop for something new. Give your old favorites a new spin by switching up your accessories.

Thou Shalt Keep It Cozy

With all the drinking and eating on the horizon, something super tight isn't always in the cards — good riddance.

Thou Shalt Stick to Comfy Heels Only

Don't spend a night stressing about your aching feet and keep to your comfiest heels.

Thou Shalt Take Your Chance to Stand Out From the Crowd

Whether it's a bold ball gown or your sparkliest accessories, this is the time of the year to really go big when you go home.

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