Cue the Facepalm: Kylie Jenner Wore a DUFF T-Shirt

Jan 20 2015 - 10:22am

We're not sure how things like the Kurt Cobain suicide-note t-shirt [1] or other offensive fashion items [2] ever make it to production, but lately it seems as if they're popping up everywhere. The most recent jaw-dropping, facepalming piece of clothing we've spotted? Kylie Jenner's "I'm Somebody's DUFF" t-shirt, which the 17-year-old was seen wearing out and about just last week.

And in case you're not exactly an acronym expert, we'll save you a Google search and let you know that DUFF stands for "designated ugly fat friend." We won't even begin to list the things that set us off about that statement, but we should point out the obvious: Kylie is far from being "fat" or "ugly," and her saying that she is (albeit through a t-shirt) has the potential to do some serious damage, especially with her younger followers.

Keep scrolling to see Kylie's shirt for yourself.

Kylie Jenner's DUFF Shirt

Even if it was meant as a joke, wearing something like this sends a pretty negative message. Just think about what it does to the self-confidence of her young fans.

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