Is This the Most Normal Thing Lady Gaga's Ever Worn?

Sep 22 2014 - 2:20pm

Leave it to Lady Gaga [1] — she never misses a chance to shock us. But this time, we weren't taken aback by her avant-garde cobalt ensemble when she arrived to the Town Hall in Brussels, Belgium, but rather her shoes. While these were no ordinary heels, they were actually quite "normal" by celebrity standards.

Stuart Weitzman's nudist sandals have been a red carpet favorite for some time now, and Gaga's lapis foil nappa pair were nothing short of chic. So were you stunned by the wearability and practicality of her minimalist stilettos, or are you an underwhelmed little monster? Get a better look at the heels and vote in our poll!

Image Source: Getty [2]

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