10 Workout Moves That Will Make You Want to Wear a Backless Dress Every Damn Day

Sep 17 2018 - 12:20pm

You can do ab exercises all day [1], but if you want a strong core, you need to work your back [2], too. People confuse the core with abs, but in truth your abdominal muscles are just a part of the bigger picture: your core starts at your shoulders and ends at your hips, front and back, and all the way around.

If you overwork your abs without building up your back, you have created a muscle imbalance and become more prone to pain [3] and injury. To help you work all of your upper body, try these 10 back exercises. The best part is you can do them at home with nothing more than a pair of hand weights.


Deadlifts are an excellent way to work on your back [5], hips, and legs with one efficient movement. The key is activating your belly to help keep your back straight the entire range of motion.

Upright Rows

Upright rows work your trapezius, triceps, and shoulders [7]. Engaging your belly will protect your lower back and prevent your spine from rounding.

Bent-Over Rows

Bent-over rows activate several muscle groups [8], including chest, triceps, and upper and mid-back. The key to this movement is a flat back and a slow controlled movement, forward and backward.

High Planks

High planks are the mother of all strength-building moves [10]. They require all muscular elements of the body to fire in order to hold a perfect form. The key to this move is arching up through your shoulder blades as you press down into your hands.

Side Planks

Side planks are a huge task for your shoulders, back, and obliques [11]. Beginning with a bent elbow and building up endurance is the best way to get into the fully extended arm version. As long as you keep your underside in a long straight line, you'll get the benefit of this move.


The only way to get better at push-ups is to do push-ups. Building your chest, arms, and back in a dynamic manner makes this one of the most important exercises to master [13].

Bird Dogs

Bird dogs are perfect when you want less intensity than a push-up [14], but more flexion in your spine. This move engages your back in a fluid way, and helps build its ability to move and support activity in the upper and lower extremities.


Locust pose can be a lot if your low back is not accustomed to the work. Try the move with your feet grounded until you build endurance, and then lift your feet gently when you feel ready. When your back is strong enough, try extending your arms out in front of you for a big challenge.


Bridges build back, leg, glute, and hip strength [15]. The key to this move is controlling the knees. Keep them directly above your ankles without allowing them to fall inward or outward.

Single-Leg Bridges

Single-leg bridges are the next level up from the glute bridge. >They require more stability in the hips, glute engagement, and lower back endurance [16] to keep the hips level and the single leg elevated.

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