Work Your Entire Body and Never Leave the Floor With This No-Sweat Workout

Jun 20 2017 - 10:35am

We get it. Some days you just don't want to sweat. But don't give into the lethargy completely! We created this 15-minute workout for just those days that will not only work your entire body, but also allow you not to leave the floor to do it. Another excuse buster: you don't need any equipment for this workout.

Directions: Repeat this eight-exercise workout twice through. Focus on controlling your movements in each exercise and keeping things smooth and graceful. This will not only help you not sweat, but it will make the moves more challenging.

Lunge With Twist

Reps: 10, alternating sides

Works: core and shoulders while stretching hips — in the first round, use this as a warmup exercise

Trunk Twist

Reps: 20, alternating sides

Works: low abs while warming up the spine — in the first round, use this as a warmup exercise

Crunchy Frog

Reps: 10

Works: abs and the hip flexors

Bridge With Kick

Reps: 10 on each side

Works: hamstrings, glutes, and core

Triceps Dip and Tabletop Hold

Reps: 15, hold tabletop for 30 seconds

Works: triceps, back, glutes, and hamstrings; the isometric hold stretches the chest and biceps, too

Side Bridge

Reps: 12 on each side

Works: shoulder, lats, and obliques

Superman Row

Reps: 10

Straight-Leg Roll-Up

Reps: 5

Works: abs and hip flexors while stretching the back and hamstrings

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