Try Blogilates's 10-Minute, Low-Impact Cardio Workout When You're Feeling Bloated

If you've eaten a big meal, chances are you'll be bloated afterward — though bloating can come from other causes such as hormonal changes during a period cycle [1]. Bloating is a natural part of digestion, and it's important to take note of how you're feeling and heed caution since you should not be doing heavy workouts right away [2] (no one wants to feel even more uncomfortable after a big meal!). Cassey Ho, founder of Blogilates, has a cardio routine that she says is a great option to help decrease your bloat.

The key to the workout seen above are the low-impact exercises that are, as she describes, "gentle on the stomach." Some of them involve twisting, which can assist the digestive system in moving things along and relieving gas pain [3]. These exercises include squatting floor touches; plank walk openers (similar to world's greatest stretch [4]); side squats; curtsy lunges with a kick on the right and left side; squat to kick; prisoner stairs; lunge around the world with front, side, and back lunges; inchworms [5]; and dancing dog with Downward Dog [6] and Upward Facing Dog [7] positions.

There are 10 bodyweight moves total, and you'll do them each for 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off. Plus, don't forget to load up on water [8] to help minimize your bloat. You may also want to try this yoga flow for digestion from Adriene Mishler [9] — it is gentle and aims to assist digestion, too.

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