This Workout Is Just 10 Minutes Long, but After the First 3, You'll See Why It's So Damn Hard

Feb 27 2020 - 7:35am

In a recent CrossFit class, I saw this workout programmed at the end, and I'll be honest — it didn't look that bad on paper. 10 minutes of burpees? Yeah, what's the big deal? But holy mother of burning legs and lungs, after finishing the third round, I knew this was going to kick my a**.

This is an EMOM workout, which stands for every minute on the minute. You complete as many burpees as you can in forty seconds, then take a much-needed 20-second rest. Level 1 CrossFit coach Sefton Hirsch of Champlain Valley CrossFit [1] said to choose a rep count and try to maintain it for all 10 rounds, anywhere from five to 14, depending on how fast you can whip out burpees.

If you're not able to do high-impact burpees, do squat thrusts [2] instead.

10-Minute Home CrossFit Burpee Workout

Equipment needed: none

Directions: Start with a five-minute dynamic warmup [4]. To do this workout, set a timer for 10 minutes. During each minute, you'll do 40 seconds burpees, then rest for 20 seconds. Repeat until the 10-minute timer is up. After the workout, do the five stretches included at the end.


Wide Child's Pose



Seated Straddle

Tabletop Bridge

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