All You Need Is 20 Minutes to Finish This Do-Anywhere, No-Equipment Workout

Apr 26 2018 - 5:25pm

It's kind of insane how many different types of fitness are readily available to anyone living in a major city. As a New Yorker myself, I've always known how fortunate I am to have an Equinox in every neighborhood and the cream of the crop of hot yoga options [1] at every turn, which is exactly why I was on the antsy side planning a trip to Florence, Italy, earlier this month. Things to look forward to: endless amounts of pasta, gelato, fresh breads (albeit unsalted), and wine. What I wasn't exactly anticipating: the inevitable weight gain that's comes hand in hand with gluttonous travel.
Cue this full-body, no-equipment workout.

My HomeAway [2] apartment had loads of space for activities, including this five-move burner that ramped my heart rate up real quick. And since the whole thing takes less than 20 minutes, I was able to get in my fitness, change clothes, and get to touristing (on the days I didn't pair it with a run around the city). Check out my go-to essential no-equipment workout ahead.

Do: Do each move for one minute before moving onto the next. On moves that require you to repeat on the opposite side, swap after 30 seconds. At the end of the round, rest one minute before repeating the circuit. Do the entire circuit three times total.


Alternating Forward Lunge

Butterfly Sit-Ups

Side Plank With Leg Lift

Triceps Dip

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