Kelsey Wells's Ab Workout Is Only 6 Moves, and It Will Leave Your Muscles Exhausted

Oct 27 2020 - 7:05am

A strong core is important for all movement no matter your fitness level, which is why we like to spend time showing our abs some extra TLC. One ab workout we're loving at the moment only takes 20 minutes to complete and requires no equipment.

Kelsey Wells [1], a NASM-certified trainer and creator of the PWR programs on the Sweat app [2], created this bodyweight workout exclusively for POPSUGAR, and it was inspired by her new 10-week program, PWR Zero Equipment. It "hits your core from all angles, and helps you build stability, strength, and develop a solid foundation for everyday life," Wells told POPSUGAR.

We're all about quick and effective workouts these days, and this one doesn't disappoint. Grab your yoga mat, press play on your favorite workout playlist [3], and get ready to put in work!

Kelsey Wells's 20-Minute Bodyweight Ab Workout

Directions: Before getting started, Wells recommends doing three to five minutes of cardio, such as jogging in place or skipping, to increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles for your workout. After the cardio warmup, Wells recommends performing dynamic stretches [4] such as leg swings, arm circles, and torso twists. These movements will help increase your range of motion and reduce your risk of injury.

This workout is broken up into three parts: a superset, a circuit, and an optional burnout. You'll complete three rounds of the superset, taking little to no rest in between each exercise. After the superset, you'll advance to the circuit. Each exercise should be executed for 50 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Take 30 seconds of rest after each round, completing a total of four rounds. Take one minute of rest after the circuit, and either cool down or complete the optional burnout.

Be sure to cool down after the workout with three to five minutes of walking to lower your heart rate to normal levels. Wells also recommends completing static stretches [5], holding for 20 seconds or longer to increase your flexibility, to provide relief from potential cramping and reduce soreness and your risk of injury.

Complete three rounds, then take one minute of rest before advancing to the circuit.

Take 30 seconds of rest after each round of the circuit and one minute of rest after completing four rounds of the circuit.

Superset 1, Exercise 1: Side Plank With a Hip Dip

Superset 1, Exercise 2: Dead Bug

Mountain Climber

Straight-Leg Raise

Russian Twist

Burnout: Toe Tap

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