Work Your Upper Body in a Wheelchair or Chair With This 30-Minute Resistance-Band Workout

Jun 9 2021 - 2:40pm

Strengthen your arms and upper body in a seated position with this 30-minute workout from ISSA-certified personal trainer Maria Rabaino [1]. She created this 12-move resistance-band workout for fellow folks in a wheelchair, but it works for anyone sitting in a chair or on a bench. These are basic, yet effective moves that are broken down into three supersets to really fatigue your muscles. If you're used to working with dumbbells or doing bodyweight moves, there's nothing like the burn you get from using resistance bands! Rabaino used a pull-up band, but any long resistance band will work.

30-Minute Seated Resistance-Band Arm Workout

Equipment needed: long resistance band

Directions: After warming up the upper body with a minute each of seated arm circles [2] and trunk twists [3], complete the three supersets below for three rounds each, taking a minute to rest between each superset. Read on for directions on how to do each exercise. When you're done with the workout, cool down with some light upper-body static stretches.

Superset 1: Perform 3 times
Band Pull Apart 12 reps
Chest Press 12 reps
Bent-Over Single-Arm Reverse Fly 12 reps per side

Rest for one minute.

Superset 2: Perform 3 times
Bicep Curl 12 reps
Shoulder Front Raise 12 reps
Chest Raise 12 reps

Rest for one minute.

Superset 3: Perform 3 times
Single-Arm Shoulder Press 12 reps per side
Core Twist 12 reps per side
Tricep Extension 12 reps per side

Superset 1: Band Pull Apart

Superset 1: Chest Press

Superset 1: Bent-Over Single-Arm Reverse Fly

Superset 2: Bicep Curl

Superset 2: Shoulder Front Raise

Superset 2: Chest Raise

Superset 3: Single-Arm Shoulder Press

Superset 3: Core Twist

Superset 3: Tricep Extension

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