Kayla Itsines's 4-Week No-Equipment Workout Plan Weeks 2 and 4: Arms and Abs

For this arm and ab strength workout in Kayla Itsines's four-week no-equipment workout plan, you'll do moves that get your heart rate up and target several muscle groups at once, including your core. A strong core is vital for everyday movement and activity [1]. Think: carrying groceries and lifting suitcases overhead. Watch Kayla demonstrate each exercise in the video above, and read how to perform each move ahead. For the full workout plan for weeks two and four, visit Kayla Itsines's 4-Week No-Equipment Workout Plan Weeks 2 and 4 [2].

4-Week No-Equipment Workout Plan Weeks 2 and 4: Arms and Abs

Complete as many laps of the exercises as possible during each seven-minute circuit, ensuring you maintain proper form. Perform each circuit back to back with one minute of rest in between (start with circuit one, rest for a minute, continue on to circuit two). For beginners, rest for 20 seconds in between each exercise in the circuit. Do each circuit once for 14 minutes of work, or repeat for 28 minutes of work.

Before each workout, start with a dynamic warmup [3] to activate your muscles and get your blood flowing. Then, finish each workout with a cooldown — we like this 10-minute stretching routine [4].

Circuit 1: 7 Minutes

Exercise Name Reps
Hover and push-up 10
Plank and rotation 20 (10 per side)
Alternating straight-leg jackknife 24 (12 per side)
X plank (low) 24 (12 per side)

Hover and Push-Up:

Plank and Rotation:

Alternating Straight-Leg Jackknife:

X Plank (Low):

Circuit 2: 7 Minutes

Exercise Name Reps
Half burpee and plank jack 20
Commando and shoulder tap 12
Bent-leg jackknife 20
X mountain climber 20 (10 per side)

Half Burpee and Plank Jack:

Commando and Shoulder Tap:

Bent-Leg Jackknife:

X Mountain Climber:

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