Feel Confident as Hell at the Beach With 5 Flat-Ab Moves

Apr 20 2017 - 10:11am

To gear you up for your most confident summer, Tone It Up trainers Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott created this exclusive ab workout for POPSUGAR readers. With simple but powerful strength and cardio moves, you'll target your belly while elevating your heart rate (aka burning tons of calories!).

This superquick five-move bodyweight workout is a perfect warmup for the upcoming eight-week Tone It Up fitness challenge [1] — and it'll help you feel amazingly fit when you hit the beach.


Karena and Katrina love this simple core-toning move.

Bikini Walk Out

They said that "this move tones your core and shoulders!"

Standing Knee to Elbow Crunch

This oblique crunch will help you sculpt your waistline while toning your lower abs.

Tuck Jump

They told us that this move "tones your lower abs, booty, and quads while increasing your heart rate and metabolism!"

Tummy Toners

This lower-ab toning move also "sculpts your obliques and shoulders."

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